Drinking from a Firehose Is Not Sustainable
Have you noticed a surge in people saying they've been drinking from a firehose? It's no wonder given how many of us have assumed increased responsibilities, both professionally and personally, over the past several months. There is seemingly no end to the tasks that need tackling or the deadlines approaching.
Worth noting: Drinking from a firehose is neither sustainable nor effective. Give me a water fountain any day, something where I can control the flow and enjoy the water I'm about to drink.
Also worth noting: Many deadlines are arbitrary, or at least have some wiggle room factored in. This is especially true of self-imposed deadlines. Figure out where the margins are and adjust as necessary.
On a personal note: last week I felt overwhelmed by a series of commitments converging simultaneously on my calendar. Rather than attempt to take another swig from that darn firehose and try to do it all, I seized the opportunity to put my own advice into action. (Incidentally, did you notice my previous blog post was actually two weeks ago? Yep, that's right. I skipped publishing last week to free up time for more pressing matters. And the world kept on turning.)
Give yourself permission to free up space where you can. You may be surprised to discover you've got more flexibility to work with than you initially surmised. Not everything is on fire. Not everything is urgent. Really.